
Sunday 19 August 2012

Allotment progress

In August we were finally blessed with some crops on our small allotment. Our tomatoes which were supposed to be in the hanging baskets fruited so much we are absolutely shocked. Already 1.75kg collected and it looks like we have another 3-4 kg to pick up.

Green Peas, despite initial problems with wood pigeons, after covering them with netting seems to have picked up and should give us nice crop.

Sweetcorn is a little disappointing and it looks like there won't be more than one or two cob per plant but we have 12 plants growing and it looks like they all will fruit.

Second crop of radishes looks allot more healthy than first one. June crop was plagued by too much moisture and radishes were all split and a bit crooked. This second lot looks promising and we have seeded them in weekly stages so there should be fresh radishes for next month or so.

Last year we have had some free sunflower seeds from our veg and fruit supplier, they turned out to be a real hit and sunflower plants are well on the way to provide big rich crop.

Nasturtium plant was initially attacked by aphids and we were considering getting rid of it after ants established real farming ground on it. However as they say patience is a virtue, Nasturtium is huge and now provides 30-50 edible flowers every week. They are sharp, peppery and great with humus on bread, on mushroom vegan pizza or in salads .

With our allotment we have inherited an apple tree, I was going to get rid of it but Dona convinced me to keep it for a year to see what kind of fruit it produce. We have not tried it yet but fruits are getting bigger every day and should be ready any day now, patience, patience...

Echinacea plant was with us for 3 years now, it has suffered attacks from slugs for most of its life, finally after moving it to the allotment it received another chance. In addition to looking very pretty it attracted many butterflies and bees to our plot so they deserve a special mention.


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