
Saturday 28 July 2012

Big Cherry Tree

I have finally got around to cutting down old bugger with only hand saw. It was a long and painful process for us both, I started with branches at the bottom working my way up to the top of the tree. After stripping him from canopy I proceeded to reducing trunk to short stump. Word of advice for anyone attempting to cut down a tree that about 15 inches in diameter using hand saw - don't do it. It took me about half an hour, 20 breaks, a litre of water and in the end help from my wife to bring him on the ground. We both are actually surprised how much more sun our plot has now. 

All branches are piled up against residential fence and I will have to come up with solution what do with them. Options are burning them or hiring wood chipper and then slowly composting over the next few years. 

Now I have plenty of space to start building shed,  plan is to join 4 bottom pallets together tomorrow, level up the surface and position pallets in permanent spot. We are still gathering materials from Freecycle, Gumtree and Ebay but it looks like I will have to make a trip to B&Q and buy some new items.


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